Geometric and Generative Modeling 2013-2014

Curricular Unit, type Compulsory
U Lisbon, Faculty of Architecture


Curricular Programme

Contact hours:
42 Lectures-Practical Hours

Estimated Workload:
98 Hours

3,5 ECTS Credits

I. Addressing geometry as a factor in optimizing the relationship between the material properties, the settings of building systems and digital based fabrication processes in architecture.
II. Define criteria for the classification of geometric structures (lines, surfaces, solids).
III. Study the geometrical structures on the basis of parameters that allow their definition and manipulation.
IV. Studying the various groups of geometric transformations comprising the invariants of each of them.
V. Making an algorithmic approach to specific design based problems.

I. Architecture and morphogenesis (New paradigms of architecture and urbanism; geometry as an operative factor structure of shapes and spaces; integration between geometry-material-performance, cutting and assembly of materials and building components)
II. geometric structures
- Definitions, classification criteria, sistematization and technical-functional applications in architecture and urbanism
- From the computational representation of geometric surfaces through its definition elements (Polyhedra, developable ruled surfaces, warped ruled surfaces, surfaces of revolution, NURBS surfaces)
- Geometric transformations (multiple intersections and multiple tangencies, Euclidean transformations, transformations of scale, Affine and projective transformations, topological transformations)
III. Notion of parametric modeling and formal system (visual programming: interface to Rhinoceros Grasshopper; symbolic expressions, control structures, functions, cyclic data structures)
IV. Getting acquainted with digital fabrication techniques and methods (additive methods, subtractive methods, cutting methods).

Main Bibliography:
ASCENZI, F. Izquierdo (2000). "Geometria Descriptiva Superior y Aplicada", Madrid, Editorial Paraninfo.
CECCATO, Cristiano (2010). The Master-Builder-Geometer in "Advances in Architectural Geometry", SpringerWienNewYork, pp. 9-14.
GHYKA, Matila C. (1978). "El número de oro" (3rd edition). Barcelona, Poseidon.
GHYKA, Matila C. (1983). "Estética de las proporciones en la naturaleza y en las artes" (3rd edition). Barcelona, Poseidon.
ISSA, Raja (2010). "Essential Mathematics for computational Design" (2nd Edition). Robert McNeel & Associates (disponível on-line).
PAYNE, Andrew, ISSA, Raja (2009). "The Grasshopper Primer" (2nd Edition). Robert McNeel & Associates (disponível on-line).
POTTMANN H, ASPERL A, HOFER M, KILIAN A. (2007). "Architectural Geometry". Bentley Institute Press.
TEDESCHI. Arturo (2011). "Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper". Villa d'Agri, Edizioni Le Penseur (disponível on-line)
WOODBURY, Robert (2010). "Elements of parametric design". Routledge.

Evaluation will be based in the avarage sum of the exercises developed throughout the semester, according to:
- the complexity of the exercíses
- monitoring the development of the exercises
- quality of the solutions to the proposed problems
- discursive capacity about the exercises and subjects (verified by submitting a report)
Students with attendance below 60% or less than 7 values continuous assessment can't submit to the Regular Season examination according to the RAAE
The "Época Normal" (Regular Season) exam will consist of the (re)presentation and improvement of exercises developed during the semester.
The "Época de Recurso e Melhoria" (improvement and resource) exam will consist in developing a specific exercise for that purpose.